NJ E-ZPass: Buy or Pay EZ Pass Bill Online

New Jersey uses the NJ E-ZPass as a toll payment collection system, as many other states do in the USA. Many states use EZPass, where there are toll highways, tunnels, bridges, and high-occupancy vehicle lanes.


What is E-ZPass?

E-ZPass is an electronic payment system used to pay for fees when commuters use a toll road. This collection system is used in seventeen USA states, and New Jersey is one of them. As a vehicle owner, you must pay toll fees through E-ZPass when using toll roads, bridges, tunnels, or HOV lanes.

So, how does one pay the New Jersey E-ZPass bill online?

NJ E-ZPass

Pay NJ E-ZPass Pass Bill

You can pay Toll Violation Bills or any other dues online. If you want an automatic E ZPass setup, jump to the second section.

Follow the steps below to pay NJ toll Violation or pending dues online.

  1. Find the number of dues online by entering the Violation Number or Toll Bill Number AND License Plate Number, or if you have an NJE-ZPass account, then login to it.
  2. Enter any additional details required and select a payment method.
  3. Finish the payment and download the receipt.

When you first sign up for an NJ E-ZPass prepaid account, you will receive a small electronic tag to attach to your vehicle’s windshield.

The electronic tag has a chip that stores all your information. When you drive through a toll road, bridge, tunnel, or high-occupancy vehicle lane, the E-ZPass antenna automatically detects your vehicle license plate number and debits the money from your account.

NJ E-ZPass recommends using a Credit, Debit Card, Checking or Savings bank account for automatic payment.

The following cards are accepted for NJE-ZPass payment.

  • MasterCard
  • Discover
  • American Express
  • Visa

NJ E-ZPass Sign-Up

To pay toll fees online, you need to create an E-ZPass account. Here are the steps to sign up for E-ZPass.

Step 1: Go to ezpassnj.com and click on Sign up for E-ZPass.

sign up for NJ e-zpass
Sign Up for NJ E-ZPass

Step 2: Choose either the individual or business account.

EZ Pass Individual or Business Account
Individual or Business Account

Step 3: Check on the box before, “I agree to the E-ZPass New Jersey **** Terms & Conditions.

Step 4: Click on Enroll online to complete the process online.

Step 5: Now enter the account details, and when done, scroll down and click on Next: Tags & Vehicles.

Step 6: Complete all four pages to sign up for NJ E-ZPass.

NB: You have fifteen minutes to sign up. So, do it fast before you run out of time.

You can also download, print, and complete the application form and take the application documents to the New Jersey E-ZPass offices.

NJ E-ZPass Login Guide

  1. Visit the E-Z Pass official website at https://www.ezpassnj.com/.
  2. On the NJ E-ZPass website, click Log in / Register to sign in to your E-ZPass account.
  3. Enter your NJ E-ZPass username, password, and security message. Then click Log In.
Log in to NJ E-ZPass

Reset NJ E-ZPass Password or Username

If you have forgotten your password or username, worry less. You can easily reset them.

Below Log In, there is a link you can use to reset your password or username.

Select either forgot the password or forgot username.

Forgot Password or username
Forgot Password or username

Enter the required details and click submit.

Now that you have your account. Paying your toll fees will be easy.

How Much Does E-ZPass Cost in NJ?

As an E-ZPass customer in New Jersey, you will pay a monthly service fee of $1. Additionally, you will pay a $1 bi-monthly fee for statement fee through email or mail. If you decide to pay your toll fee using a check, which bounces, you will pay an extra $25.

When the tag is lost/stolen/damaged/defaced, you must pay $9 or $15 for interior or exterior tags, respectively. Also, you are required to pay $10 as a tag deposit. For a misused tag or when you violate administrative terms, you will pay $50

Can I Get a New York E-ZPass if I Live in New Jersey?

Yes, all you have to do is to visit the official NY E-ZPass website. Click on Sign Up and select the state you live in. In this case, you will choose New Jersey. Then, follow the steps required to complete registration. That way, you will have your New York E-ZPass, but you live in NJ.

Can I Buy an E-ZPass at a Toll Booth?

To acquire an E-ZPass, you can only purchase it from your nearest regional agency. To get a pass, you need to visit the main offices. Also, you should know that they don’t give you the pass rather than a chip that you will install on the windshield or license plate. Thus, when you pass through the booths, you will be charged.

Does E-ZPass Charge a Monthly Fee?

Not all states that have E-ZPass charge monthly fees. For example, in New Jersey and Indiana, charge a $1 monthly fee. Other states such as Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Maine, Illinois, and Delaware don’t charge monthly fees. However, others charge small monthly fees. Ohio charges seventy-five cents each month while Virginia charges fifty cents monthly.

Can I Buy E-ZPass at Toll Both in New Jersey?

That’s not possible. You need to register for an E-ZPass at the E-ZPass customer service center or other accredited authorities. You can also do that online rather than at the service center.

Is there a Monthly Fee for NJ E-ZPass?

New Jersey E-ZPass customers pay a $1 monthly service fee and $1 every two months for statements sent to them either through email or mail. The monthly service was introduced in 2002.

How Much is E-ZPass at Walmart?

You can buy an E-ZPass at Walmart. However, the cost differs from the state you are living in. Let’s take the example of Pennsylvania. The cost of purchasing the E-ZPass in Walmart is $41. However, $35 of your pay is channeled to your account as a toll balance. $3 is a fee to Walmart, while the remaining $3 is annual E-ZPass fees.


Many drivers who use toll highways, bridges, tunnels, or HOV lanes in NJ should have E-ZPass. Creating an account is easy and fast, and the payment method is simple.

If you have any issues, call E-ZPass customer service at +1 888-288-6865.

Thanks for reading. Please share this guide with other drivers in New Jersey.

Also Read NJ Traffic Ticket Payment Online.

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